Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Practicing leadership behavior.

Leadership is mostly about your behavior towards others. It can’t really be taught; it can only be learned by experience. The best place to start is in the mirror. Work to create an attraction principle for yourself. Think about leadership from the perspective of figuring out what you do best, not by trying to become someone else. People who strive for the following attributes generally come to be regarded and respected as leaders by those who associate with them:

* The most important requirement is personal integrity; without it, everything else means nothing. Credibility is at the core of leadership. So always do what you say you’ll do - keep your promises.

* Never get emotional with people – don’t shout or rant, even if you’re very upset or angry. As a leader, you need to learn to lead yourself before you can lead others.

* Always accentuate the positive. Say “Do it like this,” not “Don't do it like that."

* Lead by example – be seen to be working more determinedly and more effectively than anyone else.

* Give credit to others when they contribute to your success.

* Take the blame and the responsibility for your own mistakes. “In any situation, the individual most able to describe reality without blame will emerge as the leader whether designated or not.” - Edwin Friedman

* Help others when they need it and support their growth and learning as well. When employees come to you for answers, first ask them, “What do you think you should do?”

* Be firm and clear when dealing with substandard or unethical behavior. The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards he sets for himself. You are what you tolerate.

* Meet the company’s objectives, but never at the cost of your own integrity or the trust of other people.

“Leadership is a verb, not a noun. Leadership is defined by what you do, not who you are. Leaders are those whom others follow.” – Bill Gore

1 comment:

cukie6 said...

These are great pointers! Thank you!